1 re·form
verb \ri- ˈ f ȯ rm\
: to improve (someone or something) by removing or correcting faults, problems, etc.
We have had reform on many levels. Individual JWs who have already posted on this thread who abandoned their former beliefs on blood based in part on the work of AJWRB. Reform in the way many doctors deal with their JW patients and question them regarding their beliefs. Reform of the blood fractions the WTS permits. Reform of the WTS advance directive on blood. Reform of the way the WTS communicates their bizzare policy to the rank and file JW (they understand the policy better than they have at any time previous to AJWRB). To argue that there has been no reform and nothing accomplished by AJWRB sounds like an arguement that would be made by a troll or someone working for the WTS trying to undermine the efforts of those who oppose the WTS blood policy or someone who so deeply frustrated by the existence of the WTS they maintain a fantasy that the WTS can be destroyed. (I.E. its too evil to be reformed). Don't bet the farm on it. There is a much higher probability of chipping away at the most destructive elements of the WTS than there is of it ever going away.
This is a very complex issue that requires time, patience, determination and expertise to address. Like many civil rights issues, it has dragged on for decades and it may very well drag on for more. AJWRB is positioning itself for the long haul at this time. You will be seeing and hearing more about this in the next 60 days or so.